Cryptocurrency | Price (USDT) |
BTC | $95269.5500000000 |
ETH | $3560.3440000000 |
BNB | $647.0794000000 |
XRP | $2.5180050000 |
ADA | $1.1987397000 |
SOL | $223.2638000000 |
DOGE | $N/A |
DOT | $9.5207600000 |
LTC | $128.2758000000 |
LINK | $23.8062600000 |
Category: MultiversX EGLD
The price of MultiversX has moved since our last update. Currently, it is 27.6290000000 and it is UP 0.56%.. Are you ready to make a strategic decision based on these figures?
Success in crypto trading comes from persistence and passion.
MultiversX now stands at 27.6290000000, reflecting a UP 0.56%. shift from our previous update.